The snow emergency has been lifted! All snow routes are clean and open for parking.
Although this has been a while coming, your patience, and assistance throughout has been greatly appreciated.
We are not quite back to business as usual, but we are fully open for business.
Public Works employees are still out there moving those mounds of snow and widening streets where possible.
As you can imagine, they are exhausted, but being the dedicated employees that they are, they want to see out streets CLEAN not jus passable! So, if you get an opportunity to say thank you them, PLEASE DO SO!
It has been two years since I decided to remove myself from the political scene in Mount Rainier, MD, Prince George's County, and the State of Maryland. Holding the lofty position of Mayor was such a great honor, but as the years flew by, I realized that it was time to do something else -- get a life.! I did, and still continue to provide resources to the residents through The Front Porch Ministries (TFPM). Real people pass through The Front Porch Ministries weekly. LIFE is good.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
34th Street has been REOPENED
34th Street is OPEN!
Now the crew is working Rainier Avenue to Upshur and will continue
working tonight until 12 midnight!
Once they finish tonight, they will return again tomorrow and
possibly work until noon.
34th Street to Rainier Avenue Closed for a few hours to remove snow from curb to curb.
34th Street will be reopened as soon as the cleanup is completed.
The City continues to struggle to get all streets open. Today’s goal was to open all emergency routes from curb to curb.
That has not happened!
Part of the problem are the parked vehicles on the street. Until further notice, 34th Street is closed from Rhode Island Avenue to Rainier Avenue.
In addition, the Snow Emergency will remain in effect until noon tomorrow, January 28, 2016.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Latest update on snow removal and street cleaning in Mount Rainier
Yesterday, information flow was high and intense. Today, there seems to be a draught -- nothing flowing. That does not mean that the work has stopped or that the City is back to normal. It only means that there are so many hands in the pot and most of them are out there on the street that it has been hard to coordinate every single move.
What you should know! Every street has been plowed at least once and has, at least, a single lane. Salt is continuing to be put down, and the bobcat is still working to remove snow. PW crew is expected to work until 10:00 pm tonight. Some of the snow mounds are also being tackled. The snow mounds will be with us for a while, but work will continue on them tomorrow.
Help has come in from local municipalities (Brentwood, Bladensburg, Hyattsville to list the ones that have been confirmed) to help with this massive task and is expected to stick with us until we conqueror the streets and get them opened. Street currently being worked on are
32nd and Upshur to 34th
29th Street
31st and Varnum
3000 block of 31st Street
If there are streets out there that we have not gotten to or are still blocked, please let us know. In other words, please keep those emails coming. As I receive them, I am forwarding them on to appropriate staff.
Our snow emergency is still in effect and residents are asked to PLEASE do not park on those streets.
There will be no trash pickup tomorrow.
City Hall is expected to be open on time.
There will be a meeting of the Mayor and Council tonight starting at 7:00 pm.
Monday, January 25, 2016
County works will also be having the day off tomorrow, Tuesday, January 26, 2016!
The Prince George’s County Government will be CLOSED on Tuesday, January 26th.
Henry Cauley
Training and Exercise Officer
Prince George’s County
Office of Emergency Management
301-324-4335 (Office)
240-755-9942 (Cell)
301-324-4417 (Direct-EOC)
The Federal Government will be CLOSED tomorrow. All major transportation systems will be on extremely reduced schedules. Still waiting on a decision from the PGC government.
Henry Cauley
Training and Exercise Officer
Prince George’s County
Office of Emergency Management
301-324-4335 (Office)
240-755-9942 (Cell)
301-324-4417 (Direct-EOC)
In spite of some very yeomen efforts, we have not been able to get our streets cleaned. Much has been done, but much is still left to be done. Yes, the streets were pre-treated. Yes, there was a meeting of all of the essential players prior to the storm. AND, yes there was a plan in place for trying to make the clean up as painless as possible.
It did not work! One of the trucks broke down. The bobcat broke down. Other mechanical problems occurred. Bottom line, we still have streets that need to be cleaned and cleared so that residents can get out of their homes!
What is being done? As of 4:30 pm today, City Management met with some Councilmembers presents and made the following decisions:
Our crew will work on the following streets for the remainder of the day
Salting will occur on 29, 31st and 22 streets today and will change to salting whenever possible
Bob cat will Work on Newton Street and on 28th between Eastern and Taylor
After this work is completed, the crew will go home for the evening, and will return to work tomorrow morning. They have already worked 36 hours straight.
Prior to going home, the Public Works Acting Director will seek to rent an additional bobcat for work tomorrow.
City Hall will be open at 9:00 am tomorrow and will remain open for business. There will still be no trash, garbage or recycling pickups until further notice.
The Work Session for Mayor and Council will be held at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall providing that there is a quorum.
UPDATE: City Hall remains closed today. Public Works crew and our PoliceDepartment remain on the job.
Help is being brought in from Btentwood and Cottage City to help with snow removal on our streets. The backup occurred because of one of our trucks breaking down during the early hours of the snow removal.
The City reached out to surrounding municipalities for help, and now that their streets are cleaned they are asking other municipalities who are able to us plow out. As of now, PW is working on 30th, 29th, 32nd today with the backhoe. They're working their way down on the side streets starting with Varnum as the day warms up.
As you dig out your cars, PLEASE pile the snow behind your car. DO NOT THROW IT OUT ON THE STREET.
Mount Rainier’s City Hall is closed. (Public Works and the Mount Rainier Police Department will continue to work throughout the clean-up process.)
ALL public schools will be closed Monday and Tuesday.
Prince George’s County Government closed today.
Limited underground Metrorail service will be available. Metro - About Metro - News - Metro plans restoration of limited underground Metrorail, "lifeline" Metrobus service for Monday, January 25
SO FAR-- SO GOOD -- No power outages in Mount Rainier
Power Outages/Utilities:
During the storm, there were minimal power outages throughout the County. As the snow begins to melt and become heavier, power outages still may occur. To report a power outage or gas/water failure, please contact your utility companies at the following phone numbers:
Pepco: 1-877-737-2662
Baltimore Gas and Electric (BG&E): 1-877-778-2222 or 1-800-685-0123
SMECO: 1-877-747-6326 or 1-888-440-3311
Washington Gas: 1-800-752-7520
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC): 1-800-828-4002
Warning all residents -- Be aware of possible re-freezing on our roads and sidewalks over the next several days. As roads and sidewalks clear and melt during the daytime hours, they may experience re-freeze in the evenings and create dangerous “black ice” conditions where icy roads and sidewalks may not be visible.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Meeting the NEEDS of NEIGHBORS and the COMMUNITY
It is freezing outside!
BUT a family's home of seventeen years reached the end of the condemnation process. They were given until noon today to move!
HARSH story? Yes, it is. AND as always, there is a story behind the story.
A single mom was raising her children on a salary of $39000, with a mortgage, insurance, transportation, food, education, water, electric, taxes, and on and on and on. There was no money left for maintenance, frills or luxuries. Mom couldn't even pay the mortgage on time, and YES, she got behind, and now the house is unfit for human habitation.
SAD story but a familiar one. This story is playing out all over my neighborhood, and probably yours too.
Thanks to LOTS of help, this family is moving our of their home today into an apartment Now, mom has a mortgage to pay, and apartment rent to pay! Where she was underwater before, is is now drowning! Without your help, she will continue to be a statistic.
PLEASE donate to this fund. Please copy and paste this link in your browser:
Thank you.
BUT a family's home of seventeen years reached the end of the condemnation process. They were given until noon today to move!
HARSH story? Yes, it is. AND as always, there is a story behind the story.
A single mom was raising her children on a salary of $39000, with a mortgage, insurance, transportation, food, education, water, electric, taxes, and on and on and on. There was no money left for maintenance, frills or luxuries. Mom couldn't even pay the mortgage on time, and YES, she got behind, and now the house is unfit for human habitation.
SAD story but a familiar one. This story is playing out all over my neighborhood, and probably yours too.
Thanks to LOTS of help, this family is moving our of their home today into an apartment Now, mom has a mortgage to pay, and apartment rent to pay! Where she was underwater before, is is now drowning! Without your help, she will continue to be a statistic.
PLEASE donate to this fund. Please copy and paste this link in your browser:
Thank you.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Disability Residential Parking Signs INSTALLED by the Municipalities!
A resident had her handicap parking sign taken down recently. She came to the City Council meeting to request that it be replaced. After contacting the State Highway Administration (SHA), here is some information that I thought you could use.
For future reference, neither SHA nor Maryland Vehicle Administration (MVA) installs handicap signs. MVA approves a resident’s request for a dedicated handicapped space and it is left up to the particular municipality to decide where to install the sign and do the physical installation.
Michael E. Scott
Chief of Police
Mount Rainier Police Department
3249 Rhode Island Avenue
Mount Rainier, Maryland 20712
Chief's Blog:
Twitter: @MRPDChief
State Rules for Obtaining a Disability Residential Parking Space
Request for Disabled Parking Space in Residential Area
If you or someone living in your home has a disability, you may be able to reserve a parking space near your home. The steps for you to follow in requesting the action are described below:
If you do not live in Baltimore City, you should request an Application for Personal Residential Permit for Reserved Parking Space from the MVA. You may obtain the form:
By calling the Customer Service Center.
By calling or mailing a request to the MVA Investigation and Security Services division
In-person from an MVA branch office.
By calling the MVA fax-on-demand system; or
By downloading a copy from the MVA's web site on the Internet.
If you live in Baltimore City, contact the branch office within the Department of Public Works.
Note: If you are requesting a space on behalf of a private business or an apartment or condominium complex, you must contact your local county government, rather than the MVA.
Note: If you are requesting a space on behalf of a private business or an apartment or condominium complex, you must contact your local county government, rather than the MVA.
When you receive the application, complete and return it. The MVA Investigation and Security Services (ISS) division will review the application to see whether any of the following conditions exist that may disqualify your request:
Your doctor certifies your disability is not permanent;
Your residence is located in a private community or is located on a private roadway;
Off-street parking is already available (e.g., garage, driveway, parking pad);
No member of your household has a Maryland registered vehicle; OR,
Your residence is on a street where parking is prohibited.
If your application is accepted, the MVA Investigation and Security Services (ISS) division will mail a medical certification form to your doctor to verify your disability.
The MVA Investigation and Security Services unit will conduct a site visit.
If everything is acceptable, you will receive a letter and stickers for up to 2 different vehicles. In Baltimore County, the county traffic division makes the final decision on reserving a space and will notify you.
Disabled parking signs will be installed within 60 days after the letter of approval is sent.
If your request is denied, you will receive a letter with information about how to appeal the decision.
There is no fee charged to reserve the parking space.
Investigation and Security Services (ISS) Division
6601 Ritchie Highway
Glen Burnie, MD 21062
FAX on Demand (Catalogue #28) – 410-424-3050
Investigation and Security Services (ISS) Division
6601 Ritchie Highway
Glen Burnie, MD 21062
FAX on Demand (Catalogue #28) – 410-424-3050
MVA Customer Service Center:
TTY/Hearing Impaired:
Check this website for more information:
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Seeking local help for local problems -- light, water, gasbills and emergency help with evictions.
Saturday, January 09, 2016
Just got your NEW TAX ASSESSMENT! Need to get more information about it.
Then you should mark your calendar and plan to attend the public meeting of the Mount Rainier Mayor and Council on February 2, 2016.
On February 2, 2016, Mount Rainier will have two experts, Dan Puma (State)* and Linda Allen (County)**, on Tax Assessment at its public meeting. If you have questions about your recently received tax assessments, this is the meeting to attend. WRITE YOUR QUESTIONS DOWN so that I can make sure that they are answered. Bring your new tax assessment with you to the meeting.
The new tax assessments were mailed to owners on December 28, 2015. You should have received it by now if you are the owner.
*Daniel R. Puma Jr., Prince George's
County, Supervisor of Assessments, Maryland Department
of Assessments & Taxation will be discussing the tax
**Linda Vaughn Allen is the Chief of Treasury
for Prince George’s County - Office of Finance discussing residential
real property taxation.
Tuesday, January 05, 2016
White House Tour for Seniors 62 and Over
This is a first come first served event for seniors.
The exact number that will be able to attend has not been determined.
At this moment, there is "NO COST." However, we all need
to chip in to pay for a driver to take us to and from the WHITE HOUSE. I
am working on transportation now.
During the Gala, I mentioned that our next activity would
be a visit to the White House. I have made the request, and it is being
I need your help in getting the word out and the names of
your residents that are 62 and over that would like to participate in this
I need to KNOW IMMEDIATELY who would like to be on this
trip. Once I know how many, I will be able to seek transportation to get
us there and back.
Here is what I need:
1. Your name as it appears on your state or federal
identification --, i.e., driver’s license, state ID, passport, or other
official identification that has YOUR PICTURE.
2. Your emergency contact information should
someone need to be notified --, i.e., husband, brother, sister, mother,
daughter, son, friend, etc. I need their name, address, telephone number
(cell, work, and home), and email address.
3. Will you need any assistance to make this trip,
i.e., wheelchair, walker, or other individual needs?
4. I NEED this information no later than January
29, 2016. PLEASE NOTE that there will be no exceptions to this date or
the information requested. If it is NOT COMPLETE when I receive it, I
will NOT BE GETTING BACK to you to request it.
5. Send your information to
There is no need to call. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN EMAIL ACCOUNT,
please send the information to One Municipal Place, Mount Rainier, MD 20712.
Please WRITE LEGIBLY so that your information can be read.
My White House contact is being very gracious to arrange
a SPECIAL TOUR for my seniors, and I want to make sure that we get our
information to her promptly.
Depending on how well this adventure goes, we will set
our sights on the Capitol for a tour.
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