Monday, September 30, 2013

Boehner Chooses to Shutdown the Federal Government

Just moments before the President spoke, Boehner made the decision to let/shut down the Federal Government.  Immediately municipal officials were invited to a telephone conversation with the WHITE HOUSE.  Here's what I learned from the call with the White House:

1.  Everyone should be contacting their FEDERAL OFFICIALS, and insisting that they come to an agreement on keeping the Federal Government open

2.  The shutdown WILL RESULT IN $100 of thousands of dollars not being paid on the Federal debt (Congress' responsibilities are to pass the budget and pay bills)

3.  100s of thousand federal employees will be furloughed with no indication of when they will be returning to work

4.  Housing loans, business loans, SBA's ability to loan money, and other similar agencies will NOT be making loans during this period

5. National Parks, and the Smithsonians will be CLOSED

6.  Annual appropriations will not be impacted, e.g. Social Security, Medicare, will continue without interruption

7.  This will have a SERIOUS impact on our rebounding economy and will impact our progress negatively

8.  THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT WILL ROLL OUT ON OCTOBER 1, and the MARKET PLACE will be open for business providing health care to millions of Americans many of whom have NEVER had health care before.

9.  Number of Federal Workers impacted across the US is not known

10.  For information on specific projects, e.g., Federal Highway repairs, development etc. contact those Agencies DIRECTLY through their website

11.  General information may be obtained from

I hope this was helpful, and please feel free to pass this around to your network with the share button.

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