Friday, June 17, 2011

Please VOTE for BB&Ts Lighthouse Project at the Family Crisis Center June 16 2011

The Family Crisis Center can win $5,000 from BB&T if we help Project Lighthouse FCC Project receive the most votes! All you have to do is go to their (BB&T's Lighthouse Project) Facebook page and vote! Type in "I am voting for the BB&T Lighthouse Project at the Family Crisis Center."

We NEED YOUR VOTE TODAY! WE NEED YOU TO ASK YOUR FRIENDS TO VOTE! Help us win the $5,000!BB&T Lighthouse Project.

Thanks for your VOTE. PLEASE pass it on.

Safe Summer Kick Off at Wells-Linson Complex

Safe Summer Kick Off at Wells-Linson Complex

Date & Time: Saturday, June 18, 5-10 pm

Event Description: Have fun at Teen Fest! There will be swimming, live entertainment, a DJ, life development sessions, indoor roller skating, adventure world, basketball, volleyball, vendors, and food (while supplies last).

Ages: 12-24


Location: Wells-Linson Complex

5211 Paint Branch Parkway, College Park 20740

Information: 301-446-3400; TTY 301-446-3402