Friday, November 09, 2012

Looking Toward Veterans Day 11/11/2012

Veterans Day is Sunday, November 11, and many celebrations will go on around the United States of America.  Again, this year, Mount Rainier will not have a celebration for our Veterans even though I tried to get the program off the ground.  It is my goal to work on this project all year long and be prepared to showcase our first Veterans Day program in 2013.

To those men in women who live in or lived in Mount Rainier that are veterans or are currently serving, I salute you.  You remind me every day of those freedoms that I so cherish.  I am grateful to have had more than 25 members of my family serve in various branches of the military.  Many of them are deceased, but many of them are still here.  Those who served in the Vietnam War still feel the pain of that war, and so do I.  My hat goes off to the mothers and wives of those veterans.

A few years ago, my best friend, a veteran of Vietnam died.  When he returned from the war, he had agent orange, post traumatic stress disorder/sysdrome PTSD, along with many other problems and issues including a drug habit that he brought back with him.  He was never given the treatment and services he needed in the early years, and his illnesses worsened over the years even though he overcame his drug addiction.

I know and knew then he was not alone in his struggle.  He was just one of many.  My ex-husband, who lived here in Mount Rainier for many years is also a Vietnam Veteran.  He is currently a physician in Columbia South Carolina, but it took him some years to settle back into America, continue his education, and move forward with his life.  His experience in Vietnam, and the death of his Mother pushed his to seek and obtain a medical degree to help others.

So, today, November 9, 2011, I wish to let you know how much I value you, admire you, and appreciate that you have chosen Mount Rainier as your home!