Volume Three
January 9, 2018
No solution is perfect, but the goal is to continue to try. THIS ISSUE is loaded, and still, a lot was omitted, e.g., opportunities to serve on City committees, commissions and boards. Some items will remain on the report while others will fall off once they are completed. My email is still the best, fastest, and quickest way to reach me for a response.
Just in case you cannot open the document, I will always post it in my email. Please share, and submit or ask residents to provide their email addresses to me, if they wish to be included on the distribution list.
To receive a copy of The Mayor’s City Chat, please send your email address to mayormiles@gmail.com. You may also direct questions, suggestions, and concerns to this email address as well as volunteer for projects, committees, etc. A response will be provided.
This month’s City Chat Highlight
No community is perfect or crime free. No community has a surplus of police officers that can be everywhere all the time. Because our police force has only eighteen (18) sworn officers, we NEED community support and involvement.
Block watch committees and captains are needed in every area of our community including businesses. If you wish to start, a block watch committee, contact Chief Michael Scott or Captain Jimmy Stoots 301-985-6580.
We also need community help in making sure that our children are safe as they walk to and from school. If you are a stay at home parent, worker, entrepreneur, grandparent or other, we need your eyes and ears.
Non-emergencies should be directed to the following phone numbers based on your specific need:’
Non-emergency 301-352-1200
General Information: 311
Crisis Hotline: 211
Customer Service: 301-772-4420
Mayor and Council Work Session
At the work session of the Mayor and Council, the following items were discussed
Stephen Shaff presented a proposal to the Mayor and Council to use the historic Potts building as an economic development tool. There are two proposals for renovating Potts Hall.
Sutton Hoo Productions presented a project to renovate and put back into use the Kaywood Theater that has several lives since opening years ago.
Landex Development: A Leader in Community and Residential Real Estate Development was unable to attend the meeting, but sent a proposal for Mayor and Council to consider for the 3100 Block of Rhode Island Avenue.
Full copies of the presentations may be requested from City Hall, 301-9856585. These issues will be discussed at the next Mayor and Council work session on the third Tuesday in September (September 19, 2017) at 7:00 p.m.
All Mount Residents are invited to the work session and may be asked to comment on each issue coming before the Mayor and Council.
Please check the City’s website and other social media outlets for items on the agenda.
Activities since last Mayor’s City Chat
1 The Allison Street Levee. A lot of work has gone on with the Allison Street Levee that runs through Mount Rainier down behind Kaywood Apartments under several of our streets and next to the Nature Center, the Pool Queenstown Apartments, the 7/11, gas station, the new laundromat and ending up somewhere in one of Maryland’s waterways.
An outgrowth of this project is the requirement for some of the City’s residents to purchase and maintain flood insurance on their properties. A few years ago, a forum at the Mount Rainier Nature Center was held to discuss this issue with residents. The projection then was that the work would begin in two years and would impact our schools, the traffic flow on Arundel and result in a new street on Arundel. For many reasons, including demands from some residents, the work was slowed down. Here is some information that you should be aware of as the project moves forward:
Flood insurance is required for some and recommended for others.
Your homeowner’s insurance will not cover flood damages.
Flood insurance will not cover everything during a flood, so READ the fine print.
2. Queens Chapel Road or MD500 is part of the State Highway Administrations (SHA) restoration process. As you know, a lot of work has been and continue to be done on MD500 in Hyattsville. That is in SHA's phase one/two plan. Mount Rainier is in phase three/four of the plan that will include restoration of MD500 up to Eastern Avenue. The work that is being done now is expected to last until 2035 with minor repairs here and there.
With the increased density in population (57 new units at Rainier Manor and the new units going up in Avondale) traffic will increase, and MD500 will remain a speedway from Eastern Avenue to the traffic signal at 34th and MD500.
Here is the official update from SHA. The design for the project is approximately 90 percent complete, and the most recent plan review meeting was held on May 11, 2017. The right-of-way plats were issued mid-May 2017 and property appraisals are ongoing. Currently, the project team is finalizing the design, securing environmental permits, and coordinating with utility owners for their relocation. The project is scheduled to advertise in early 2018 and start construction in Spring 2018. Stay tuned.
3. Rainier Manor 2 has been completed and is open for rental. It has fifty-seven (57) units in the new building. There are eligibility requirements for the new units but keep in mind that because of new legislation, senior rents are stable for two years. This means that you rent CANNOT go up over a two-year period.
4. Flood Plain area in Mount Rainier and Requirements. Floodplain Management Workshop designed for municipal officials. This workshop was held October 4, 2017. Kevin Komali and Jessica Love also attended this workshop at the Forest Heights Municipal Building.
Michael J. Colgan and Dawn Hawkins-Nixon, P.E., CFM from the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) regarding Mount Rainier and the flood plan. Here are the questions asked and the answers provided.
Also, you may contact the NFIP Referral Call Center at (888) 379-9531 to request an agent referral.
Mayor and Council hosted a community meeting to discuss issues and concerns around crime in the community. Although not as well attended as I would have liked, some residents came out and were able to have one on one dialogue with Chief Michael Scott, Captain James Stoots, and most of the City's police officers.
The next meeting of the community is SCHEDULED for WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2018 at Mount Rainier's Police Station at 6:30 p.m. ALL RESIDENTS are invited to come out and participate.
Some of the issues that came up and were discussed included the recent spike in crime (the carjacking, the murder on RIA, etc.) in the City.
By dialing 301-985-6565, YOU are helping our officers to help you when there is an emergency.
LET"S BE REAL CLEAR -- DO NOT DIAL 301-985-6565 for medical emergencies, fires or other types of emergencies. FOR THOSE EMERGENCIES, PLEASE CONTINUE TO DIAL 911.
5. Our police department continued to work with Prince George’s County to investigate carjacking, homicide, attempted ATM robbery at the71
1 and stabbing on Bunker Hill Road. These incidents have caused concern for crime rising in our community. A
lthough these are critical and scary incidents and may have reminded some of us of days pass
ed, Mount Rainier has not become a “crime infested” City. Our police department is stronger than before, and residents are safer and more proactive. If you see something, say something and call 301-985-6565.
6. Perry Street traffic continues to be on the top front of residents in Ward One. During the election, candidates, voters, and current elected officials noted the volume of traffic on Perry as well as the speed of some of the cars. Chief Michael Scott has been working on this issue and seeking solutions and partnership with the Town of Brentwood.
7. Community Block Watch has come up again as a major concern of some residents and efforts are being made to reimplement this program in those areas that are interested in having them. Our police department representatives are available to help residents get a block watch program started in their area. Please contact Chief Michael Scott to get this program started in your neighborhood. Chief Scott may be reached at 301-985-6580.
8. Noise complaints continue to be an issue in some areas of the City. If you are going to have a party or noise that is more than 50 feet from its origination, YOU need a noise permit. The noise permit allows noise from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. Should your noise disturb the peace even with a permit, our police officer may determine that your activity or event should be stopped. You are responsible for your guests and should make sure that they do not disturb your neighbors, trespass on their property or become a public nuisance.
9. The Associated Churches for Community Service (ACCS) has not met or raised the necessary funds to support residents during the coming winter months. However, Buffalo Baptist joined with me to make a financial contribution to Thomas Stone Elementary and Mount Rainier Elementary to help students that may need school supplies, uniforms, or other essentials. Buffalo Baptist has also agreed to work with me to provide another financial contribution later in the year to purchase essentials (underclothes for Kindergarteners and First Graders).
13.As a member of the Maryland Municipal League’s (MML) Board of Directors (BOD) and Secretary of the League’s executive committee, I attended a three-day retreat in Frederick, MD. The purpose of the retreat was to set the League’s agenda for 2018 and to acquaint the BOD with services and programs offered by the League as well as identify municipal issues for the coming year that the League should pursue.
14.As the appointed liaison to the Outreach and Engagement Committee of the League, I attended their first meeting in Annapolis. The goal is to work toward getting greater participation of the elected municipal leaders engaged in the League, encourage involvement in Municipal Month (November), and to get students and teachers to learn more about municipal government by writing essays during the “If I Were Mayor Contest.
15.Traveled to Winston-Salem, North Carolina following the MML’s Board of Directors meeting and was honored as one of the Historic Black Colleges and Universities Living Legend along with thirty-one (31) other HBCU graduates. Other honorees from Saint Augustine’s University included George Williams from Saint Augustine's
University and Dr. Brian Hemphill president of Radford University. For more information copy and paste this link into your browser
16.Rainier Manor II is taking applications for its 57 new units. If you are interested or looking for a place to live in Mount Rainier, this just may be the place for you. Thanks, Charmaine Jefferson for providing me a tour of the new housing units in Mount Rainier.
20.Are you looking for playground equipment and have the necessary skills to move the playground equipment from its current location? The owners of the Artist Loft are interested in donating the playground equipment. If you are interested, please contact me ASAP at mayormiles@gmail.com.
Upcoming/ongoing projects
The Mayor’s Book Club – this has not gotten off the ground but is still in the works
The campaign sign painting party is still be organized so don’t throw away those signs.
Plans for 31st Street Project – ready for implementation
Reconstruction of MD 500 going through Mount Rainier and to Eastern Avenue – funded
Reconstruction of the Levee Arundel Road area – working on a report
Rainier Manor 2 construction completion and rental date – update coming
Call-a-bus replacement – still up in the air, but working with County for an exception to their rules
3300 Rode Island Avenue report from staff – presentation made on September 5, 2017, at the City Council meeting
BUNKER Hill Fire station-- is Mount Rainier safe? – scheduling a meeting with new Fire Chief, Mr. Barksdale
Upcoming Event/Calendar
The school year began on Tuesday, September 5, 2017. The last day of school is scheduled for Thursday, June 14, 2018.
COST: Free with M-NCPPC Youth ID
AGES: Ages 13-17
WHERE: Mount Rainier Nature/Recreation Center
4701 31st Place
Mount Rainier MD. 20712
For more information call: 301-927-2163; TTY: 301-699-2544
City Events/Schedule
The following are some of the events in the City for 2017-2018 Fiscal Year (NOTE: City Council Meetings are routinely held the first (1st) and third (3rd) Tuesdays of each month unless otherwise noted.
The City newsletter, "The Message" is issued monthly with a combined newsletter for July August and December/January. The next issue coming out will be for February 2019.
F Community Policing Meeting, Mount Rainier’s Police Department, was held September 20, 2017, 6:30 p.m. Coming up January 17 will be the following meeting. This meeting will be held at the Mount Rainier Nature Center and will start at 6:30 pm and will include an Award Ceremony. ALL residents are invited.
F Code Enforcement meeting -- October 12at Potts Hall 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
F Thanksgiving Basket Drive – October through the third week of November
F Annual Halloween Blast – October 31, 2017, 6:30 p.m.
F Month of November – Municipal Month – visit schools and fly municipal flag at City Hall
F Veterans Day Recognition Program – Saturday. November 11, 2017 –Waffle and Champagne Brunch, 11:30 a.m.
F City Budget Calendar approved in December/January
F Christmas Basket Drive – November through the fourth week of December
F Budget Preparation begins in January
F Mount Rainier Day – May 19, 2018
F Budget must be approved by June 30, 2018
F Mayor and Council Recess, July and August – TBA
F National Night Out (NNO) – August 7, 2018
F Public Safety Night – September 28, 2018
Some Priorities for this fiscal year
Assuring that the City Manager works well with Mayor and Council, employees, and residents
Getting the City Charter Reviewed and updated
Taking Community policing to another level with a community review/appeal component
Continuing to work on getting Citywide WiFi – primarily for students, but also for adults
Improving relations with the Bunker Hill Fire Station to ensure adequate staffing at all times and that Mount Rainier residents are safe in their homes and businesses
Getting 3200 Rhode Island Avenue under contract and development
Appoint an independent financial advisory committee that reviews City spending
Secure funding for renovating the old Kaywood Theater and transform it into a cultural center for the City
Bring Memorial Park and Spring Park to life – getting funding for these two projects
Get 31st Street Park up and operational, e.g., determine how it will be used, etc.
Citywide calendar of events
Complete list of projects – City, e.g., Levee Project on Arundel Road; MD 500 (Queens Chapel Road); Singer Building; Civic Center; Public Works, etc. – updated and maintained
Accurate and current list of all businesses in the City with owner, renter, address with service that is provided, number of years in the City, etc. – in good standing with the City/health department
Annual report on CDMA fees paid by businesses in the City
Rodent abatement project – citywide problem that needs intervention
Street and traffic sign replacement throughout the City that meets federal, state and county standards
Start citywide beautification program – honoring Jack Engel
Start monthly or quarterly meetings with service providers, 47th District leaders, Senators/Congressmen, and County Councilmembers
Create and appoint a Police Advisory Committee that is independent of the police department and handles residents’ complaints, makes recommendations for improvement of the department, and works to improve community-police relations
Websites that may be of interest:
You can find my brief bio at http://www.mountrainiermd.org/government/office-mayor/
Got an issue, suggestion or compliment, please contact me at mayormiles@gmail.com