Thursday, December 20, 2007

City's Holiday Office Closings

December 20, 2007

Mayor and Council voted to give City employees the day before Christmas and the day before New Year's off. Therefore, City offices will be closed as follows:

Monday, December 24, 2007 through Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Monday, December 31, 2007 through Tuesday, December 1, 2007

Because of this schedule, there will be some delays in trash pick up, recycling, and other City function. We appreciate your working with us, and we promise to make this as painless as possible.

1 comment:

  1. While I am concerned about the welfare of illegal immigrants, I do not believe that Mount Rainier or any other US city or state should be a santuary for them. This city has a tough enough time handling its own problems. We simply do not have the resources for this. Furthermore, if an American citizen breaks the law, we go to jail. But, if foreign persons enter this country illegally, they are protected and will have access to whatever resources they need. That is an unacceptable double standard. Why should American citizens' tax dollars support illegal immigrants when we cannot house our own homeless citizens, or do Americans not count in our own country???

    Shouldn't these people be encouraged to stay in their own countries and fight for an improved quality of life? How will the situations in their countries truely change if they don't stand and fight?

    Finally, if a child is born to an illegal immigrant in this country, then the child should be deported along with the parents. It's just common sense.
