Thursday, June 23, 2016

WINGS First Annual Scholarship Breakfast practically SOLD OUT!

The countdown is HERE! Less than one week to meet TWO dynamic women in government service, our KEYNOTE SPEAKER, the Honorable C. Gail Bassette, Secretary of General Services and Director Mary Beth Tung, Maryland Energy Administration, who bring greetings and talk to women about some familiar women issues. If YOU are not attending the WINGS First Annual Scholarship Breakfast, you will be missing some valuable information that you can use in YOUR municipality!

THEREARE ONLY A FEW TICKETS LEFT for purchase since we gave our final seating number on Wednesday. Once they are gone, we will have reached our capacity. Your money must be received by noon on Saturday OR YOUR NAME must be on the list, and you MUST present your check at the door.

Send your check to Councilmember Vivian Jackson, Colmar Manor Municipal Center, 3701 Lawrence Street, Colmar Manor, MD 20722.

THANK YOU for the overwhelming response to this event. We have increased our goal THREE times, and the requests keep coming in.

WINGS Executive Committee is excited and waiting, to MEET YOU! See all of you on Wednesday, June 29, 2016, 8:30 am, Room 215, Ocean City, MD Convention Center.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Strong Winds and Thunderstorms COMING OUR WAY. Don't take cover under TREES!

The following is a briefing from the National Weather Service Baltimore/Washington as of3:45 AM Tuesday June 21st 2016:

Threats: Strong to Locally Severe Thunderstorms

Timing: This Afternoon & Evening Tuesday June 21st, mainly 3 PM - 9 PM, and possibly another round Thursday June 23rd, 2016. 

Overview and Impacts:
This Afternoon & Evening:
Scattered Strong to Locally Severe Thunderstorms will develop across the region and move southeastward as a cold front pushes through.

Area of most concern is southeast of a line from the Baltimore/Washington Metro area back into Central VA and eastern WV.

Large Hail & Damaging Winds possible in the strongest storms.

Additional Strong to Locally Severe Thunderstorms are possible Thursday with next low-pressure system.

Large Hail & Damaging Winds possible in the strongest storms.


Cara Howard
Regional Planner
Prince George’s County Office of Emergency Management
7915 Anchor Street

Landover, MD 20785
Office: (301) 324-4338
Cell: (240) 278-9431

Monday, June 20, 2016


WINGS is seeking nominations for the following positions. The Election will be held during the business meeting portion of the First Annual Breakfast:

VIC PRESIDENT NOMINEE_____________________________
SECRETARY NOMINEE________________________________
TREASURER NOMINEE________________________________
MEMBER AT LARGE OMINEE___________________________
HISTORIAN NOMINEE_________________________________
CHAPTER NOMINEE___________________________________

Two of our current officers (Vivian Jackson and Doreatha Epps) have decided to step down from their positions after having served for the past three years. If you are looking for a way to get involved in WINGS, consider serving in one of the offices above. It is not too late to get involved and MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

What's involved?

Two face-to-face meetings a year (MML's Summer Convention and MML's Fall Conference)

Monthly teleconferences on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm (subject to change at the first organizational meeting following the elections in Ocean City). The teleconferences usual last about 1.5 hours but could last 2 hours.

Vice President works with and assists the President and is responsible for hosting the teleconferences when thePresident is not available.

Secretary is responsible for taking action minutes and reporting them back to the membership for the annual and fall meeting of the organization. The Secretary also takes minutes and notes of the teleconference meetings.

Treasurer is responsible for all financial transactions (dues, revenue, expenses, and reconciles bank statements) of WINGS and keeps the official membership roster of paid members.

Member-at-large is responsible for working with each of the Chapters to make sure that information is being disseminated; meets with Chapter Representatives as necessary to answer questions and share information.

The Historian is the keeper of WINGS history. This is a very important function since so much of WINGS history has been lost over the years. WINGS Executive Committee has decided to have all old information scanned to the clouds so that it is available to everyone, but especially to the officers and future generation of women.

Chapter Representative are from each of the MML Chapters and are responsible for recruiting members, sharing information about WINGS, providing information about the success of women in municipal government, identifying women running for office, and other information that will spotlight women and their accomplishments.

WINGS will be ONLY as strong as YOU make it!

Have not joined WINGS yet? You can join WINGS at the MML Summer Convention in Ocean City.

Dues are only $25!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Sexual Harassment Training Available

Sexual Harassment Prevention in the Workplace

The Maryland Commission on Civil Rights & the Prince George’s County Human Relations Commission invite you to attend this interactive and information workshop on Sexual Harassment Education/Prevention in the Workplace.

The training workshop will focus on sexual harassment laws, prevention and employer liability.  We will discuss types of sexual harassment, current statistics, case examples, common workplace scenarios, best practices to prevent and respond to sexual harassment...and answer your questions!

Many employers require their employees to attend regular sexual harassment prevention training each year.  This course is ideal to fulfill that requirement for employers, managers, supervisors, human resource & employee relations staff as well as any employee in the private, non-profit and/or public sector.

Parking is FREE!  All attendees will receive a Certificate of Attendance at the end of the workshop.

Workshop instructors include staff and attorneys from the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights.

Friday, July 1, 2016 from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM (EDT) - Add to Calendar

1801 McCormick Drive - Suite 140, Largo, MD 20774 - View Map

Monday, June 13, 2016


Everyone...please pay attention: CB-040-2016 is on the agenda for introduction tomorrow at the County Council. Please note it proposes to amend the county charter to ADD 2 MORE COUNTY COUNCIL representatives AT LARGE. If anyone has heard anything about this issue or this bill, please let us know and if you know the reasoning behind this...other than getting around term limits...if the wording is such...

Please provide feedback if you have heard anything.

Stan Fetter, President
P.O. Box 44013
Fort Washington, MD 20749
(301)839-4764 for Secretary Sarah Cavitt

Check out the legislative process forPrince George's County  at this link:

The approved budget is available on the Mount Rainier Website

The approved FY17 budget for Mount Rainier is available on the Mount Rainier Website OR you may click on this link or copy and paste it in your web browser.


For the past twenty-eight years, Mount Rainier Elementary has celebrated 100 days of peace at the end of each school year.  This parade is not about saving the world or world peace.  This peace parade is about helping students and teachers and those coming in contact with the school to develop peaceful attitudes and behaviors and to carry that attitude with them every day into the world in which they live.

This tradition was started by Mr. Philip Cantana, the former principal at Mount Rainier. The tradition has been continued by each succeeding principal.

The community looks forward to this event and supports this school activity.  YOU can too.  This year, Mount Rainier Elementary's Peace Day Parade is scheduled for June 17, 2016, at 8:30  am.  

You may walk in the parade, stand on the sideline and just watch it or you can get as excited as I do and cheer all of those elementary school children on as they demonstrate their pride in being peaceful and celebrating a twenty-eight year tradition at  their school!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

WINGS ANNUAL ELECTIONS -- Ocean City, MD 6/29/2016

WINGS Annual Elections will occur at the MML Summer Conference at the First Annual WINGS Breakfast during the business meeting portion of the program.
ALL MUNICIPAL ELECTED WOMEN are encouraged to pay their dues and run for office. YOU may copy the information in this post to pay your dues AND submit your name for one of the offices up for election.
June 10, 2016

TO: WINGS Members

FROM: Malinda Miles, President
SUBJECT: Nominations for 2016-2017 WINGS Board Members
All Board members shall serve staggered two-year terms, and are eligible for re-election Aat the end of their term. Staggered terms shall be as follows:
President, treasurer, and parliamentarian shall be elected in odd years;
Vice-president, Secretary, and Historian shall be elected in even years;
The member-at-large shall be elected each year to ensure representation from across Maryland. The member-at-large position shall be filled after the designated positions in this paragraph and may not be from the same jurisdiction as any of the officers.



To serve on the WINGS Board, you MUST be dues paying member. Your dues must be current at the time of the Annual Meeting in Ocean City.
You may nominate yourself or be nominated by someone else for any office in WINGS including Chapter Representative so long as you agree to serve.
Minimum requirements as an officer are to participate in monthly telemeetings and have an active role in planning the Summer and Fall Conferences.
If each MML Chapter is not represented on WINGS’ Board, WINGS will solicit a representative from the Chapters. WINGS Chapter Representatives will also serve for two years and may be re-elected at the end of their terms.

VIC PRESIDENT NOMINEE_____________________________
SECRETARY NOMINEE________________________________
TREASURER NOMINEE________________________________
MEMBER AT LARGE OMINEE___________________________
HISTORIAN NOMINEE_________________________________
CHAPTER NOMINEE___________________________________

Proposed Bylaws Changes
WINGS Executive Committee will be proposing to the membership the following Bylaw changes:
1. WINGS will change its membership base to include municipal women from across the State of Maryland
2. To increase membership and participation in WINGS decision making, that there be one woman elected by WINGS membership or appointed by their chapters to serve on WINGS Executive Board and participate in monthly board meetings.
3. That WINGS will seek to ensure representation from across the State of Maryland on its Executive Committee.
NOT A MEMBER OF WINGS? You may send your $25 membership dues along with your completed nomination form to Councilmember Vivian Jackson, Colmar Manor Municipal Center, 3701 Lawrence Street, Colmar Manor, MD 30722.
WINGS Executive Committee looks forward to seeing you in OCEAN CITY!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Please join Menkiti Group for the next Mount Rainier community meeting with an update on redevelopment of the 3300 block of Rhode Island Avenue

Hi, Mount Rainer Neighbors.

We hope you are enjoying your start to summer!  Please join Menkiti Group for our next Mt. Rainier community meeting with an update on Hi, Mount Rainer Neighbors.

We hope you are enjoying your start to summer!  Please join Menkiti Group for our next Mt. Rainier community meeting with an update on redevelopment of the 3300 block of Rhode Island Ave, Thursday June 23rd, 2016 at 7pm at Joe’s Movement Emporium, 3309 Bunker Hill Rd. Mt. Rainier, MD 20712.  We look forward to seeing you there!

MG Residential
Keller Williams Capital Properties
3401 8th Street NE
Washington, DC  20017
Check out our new website: Thursday, June 23rd, 2016 at 7pm at Joe’s Movement Emporium, 3309 Bunker Hill Rd. Mount Rainier, MD 20712.  We look forward to seeing you there!



MG Residential
Keller Williams Capital Properties
3401 8th Street NE
Washington, DC  20017

Check out our new website:

Time to get rid of those old computers, and other electronics!

It’s that time of year again! Mount Rainier Electronic Recycle Day! 

Bring all of your unwanted electronics, gadgets and appliances to Public Works Garage on Saturday, June 18, 2016, between the hours of 8:00am and 1:00pm.  

Public Works is located at 3715 Wells Avenue, Mount Rainier Maryland. Spread the word and we’ll see you there!

Thursday, June 09, 2016

JUNE 15, 2017 -- Last day to purchase WINGS Breakfast Tickets

WINGS First Annual Scholarship "SWING" Breakfast is almost SOLD out! There are about 30 tickets left. If YOU have not gotten your ticket, time is running out. The deadline for getting your ticket is JUNE, 15, 2017!

The keynote speaker: The Honorable C. Gail Bassette, Maryland Secretary of General Services.

WINGS scholarship breakfast theme "Supporting Women in Government Services" (SWING) Breaking the glass ceiling while learning how to SWING.
Tickets are $35 and can be purchased NOW. The event is being held at the Ocean City Convention Center, Room 215, June 29, 2016, at 8:30 am.

Send check, money order, cashier's check made payable to WINGS. Send it to Councilmember, Viviana Jackson, Colmar Manor Municipal Center, 3701 Lawrence Street, Colmar Manor, Maryland 20722.

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Mount Rainier's FY2017 Budget PASSED

Last night, June 7, 2017, the City of Mount Rainier passed its annual budget.   According to Maryland law, the 157 municipalities must pass their budgets by June 30 of each year.  This year's budget has a few changes about how money was allocated, and will probably be adjusted throughout the year based on actual revenues and spending.

As with all budgets, the City's budget is an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of one year.  Revenues and spending may vary.  Some line items may be under budgeted while others may be over budgeted.   However, a lot of homework and time is spent checking with appropriate funders to get the most accurate information on our revenue stream.  With that information, the City Manager and staff develop a projection of expenditure based on the past and future needs.  Mayor and Council then take the proposed budget and determine whether or not it meets the City's needs, goals, and expectations.  Lots of debates, discussions, and consensus occur during this phase of budget development.  Public hearings are held, and more changes are made.

In the final stage, corrections are made to the initial draft, and an ordinance is prepared that requires two public readings.  At the very end of the process, the budget is passed, and in place for the upcoming fiscal year on July 1, 2016.

Many thanks to the staff for the work that they've done to put together a strong budget for 2017.  KUDOS to the Council for being creative, receptive, and professional in the development of this year's budget.

Monday, June 06, 2016

TIME IS RUNNING OUT got you transfer your student(s) to another school!

The Prince George's County Public Schools (PGCPS) Student Transfer Season Window closes FRIDAY!PGCPS will accept student transfer requests for the 2016-2017 school year from May 9 through June 10, 2016.

Parents and guardians can submit transfer requests electronically through the SchoolMax Family Portal. Portal access is limited to parents and legal guardians. Electronic transfer requests are only accepted from students enrolled in PGCPS.

The Office of Student Records, Transfers and Archival Services will not accept transfer requests to schools that exceed state-rated capacity. Click here to view a list of schools eligible to receive transfer students.

For details, transfer process instructions, and FAQs, visit the Student Transfer Request webpage by clicking here.