Thursday, January 06, 2022

COVID Protocols, Rules and Regulations for Your Home

 Companies have rules for helping to keep workers safe, and your home should also have safety policies to keep your family members safe.

Our children are required to go to schools for in-person learning and around others who may not practice any of these safety precautions.  In addition, social distancing may not be possible in many of the classrooms, cafeterias, or hallways.  So, help your student protect themselves, you, and other family members by applying these rules in your home.

The CDC has issued guidance, protocols, and regulations for every place of business you can think of, and they have changed their minds on lots of their positions about COVID. However, I have yet to see (and maybe I've missed it) guidance, protocols, and regulations for homes. Homes, where everybody goes at the end of the day or leave early in the morning to get to those businesses.

Isn't that strange? People bring home COVID every day and expose their loved ones, those most vulnerable, and their children. There are no protocols beyond washing your hands, social distance, wearing your mask, and staying home if you can! BBAM. That is it.

After talking with my youngest daughter for about an hour this morning, I came up with the following. Please feel free to modify, but consider posting on your doors at home so those entering know the rules for helping to keep you and your family safe.

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