Monday, February 12, 2018


It was not a special reunion today, but it seemed like it. LOL

I went in to get my eye injection and on the way out I hear someone calling my name. I turn around to see who it was, and it was Ernelle Little from my long ago past. Then I go to IHOP to have breakfast while the pain medicine was still working, and walk into the seating area, and I hear my name again. It was Hazel Blakey, another name from my long ago past. We were all employees of the National Education Association (NEA) more than twenty (20) years ago. It was great catching up with both of them.

Now, I am home and smiling because I have already had a great day, and I can and will deal with the pain in my eye. This eye issue is not just unique to me, but a LOT of seniors are having eye issues. Aging -- wow -- somebody should have told us.

Having said that, I have been thinking about seniors and health care in my area -- Mount Rainier, Brentwood, and North Brentwood. Years ago, my mother along with many others fought to have a senior health care center in our area. That senior health care center is slowly dying out because people in the area have forgotten about it or never knew about it. In speaking with the current administration, I am appalled at what has happened and is happening to the senior health care center.

To that end, I had a conference call on Friday with the administration and they want to keep the Senior Health Center open. I NEED a senior core group to help be the driving force for keeping the Senior Health Center open by determining core services and programs that are NEEDED in our area.

If you are 50 or older, YOU HAVE A VESTED INTEREST in keeping this Senior Health Center open.

If you have limited health insurance and need medical care, you need this Senior Health Center open.

If you have medical conditions that require care, but not hospitalization, the Senior Health Center is the place for you AND it is right here in OUR NEIGHBORHOOD.
It was created FOR YOU! It CATERS to seniors.

IF YOU LIVE in the Mount Rainier, Brentwood and North Brentwood area, PLEASE PLEASE email me at IF YOU WANT TO BE A PART OF THIS GROUP, email me ASAP since I want to hold the first meeting of the group on FRIDAY, February 16, 2018.  

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