Monday, September 26, 2016

See Something -- Say Something

The phrase that is trending now is "See something, say something." It is a trending phrase that I can associate with on a number of levels.

If you see something out or place in our City, say something. We are keepers of each other. We may not all be at the same level of economic wealth, but we all moved here because of our own personal reasons. I would like to believe that we moved here because we could see the beauty in our City.; the impressive tree canopy that did not just happen overnight; the large houses and yards; and yes the welcoming neighbors.

Our City is a long way from being perfect, but each of us has a role in making it the best that it can be. That means if you see something say something, but it also means that YOU need to take an active role in bringing about the change you want to see, but also keep what is already good.

When you see something, please report it first to City Hall (Miranda Bratz) 301-985-6585; Public Works (Kevin Kamali) 301-985-6583 Police Department ( 301-985-6580-routine call, 301-985-6565-service call) -- call 911 for emergencies (life or death) or Code Enforcement (Ray Wilkins)240-508-2253. You are not a nuisance, and we depend on your eyes, ears, and mouth.

It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a community working together to ensure a good quality of life!

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