Sunday, April 23, 2017

Mayor Malinda Miles Endorsed by Linda Bock, RN, Executive Director, Rachel H. Pemberton Senior Health Center

Because today was a MUCH needed day of rest, I did not get this endorsement posted.

Although there is not a lot of discussion around seniors in this election, seniors are one of our most vulnerable populations.

They are an important part of the Mount Rainier dynamics and require equal consideration at the table.

Thank you, Linda Bock, for always attending to our seniors' health care needs and being there for me to call upon with the need arises.

Hello, Malinda. I am delighted to write this endorsement for your candidacy. I'm not sure of exactly when we met, and you joined Support Our Seniors (SOS) and supported the Rachel H. Pemberton Senior Health Center, but your support of elders in Mount Rainier, Brentwood, North Brentwood and across Prince George’s County has been a force to be recognized.

As I mentioned in my Facebook note Mount Rainier holds a special place in my heart as my father in law was born in a house in Mount Rainier and my in-laws lived there for many years as did their parents and even were well known and respected members of Mount Rainier Christian Church.

Dimensions Healthcare System has neglected our Center and has now closed it two days a week while promoting their other medical offices! This leaves a huge gap in medical service for Mount Rainier's seniors.

Our staff is being sent to other sites on the days it is closed, and they just have a Secretary cover the office when they don't have patients scheduled.  

Our seniors need you to help keep our doors open once again. Your fight for us in the past made it possible for us to be around still. NOW, we need you to help get our hours and our staff back in our community.

Folks don’t understand how critical senior care is until they or their parents need it, and it is no longer there.

THANKS FOR ALWAYS BEING THERE for the Center and our seniors! Linda Bock, RN, Executive Director, Rachel H. Pemberton Senior Health Center

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